Reds Global guarding against COVID-19
While many sectors have temporarily closed due to COVID-19, construction is considered an essential service. This means for Reds Global it’s business as usual, with an additional focus on stopping the spread of the virus and keeping our people safe.
Construction sites continue to operate. Reds Global employees on site are following the safety measures put in place by each individual builder, which generally include:
Reminders about hand washing and social distancing at daily toolbox talks
Access to on site hand washing facilities and sanitisers
Staggered lunch breaks and start/finish times to discourage mingling
Additional lunch sheds to reduce the use of communal spaces
Keeping different trades in different on-site areas
Maintaining a consistent workforce – no moving workers around from job to job
Reds is communicating regularly with its workforce, keeping its employees up to date with all pertinent information coming from the Federal and state governments.
While in the yard, it’s adopting the recommended measures such as:
Encouraging employees to work from home where possible
Separating employees in the office to create social distance
Ensuring daily cleaning of offices, sheds and yards
Implementing a strict buddy system, in an attempt to limit any contagion to a single pair
Retaining hospital-grade cleaners, should any COVID-19 cases be detected
Reds Global takes its duty of care to its employees and clients very seriously. We’ll continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely to minimise the risks to our essential industry.